Mind Your Isolation – knowing where you are in periods of isolation is essential for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual growth

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;he breaks out against all sound judgment – Proverbs 18:1 ESV

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to isolate themselves from societal norms and without a definitive end date. Some have stored enough food supply and toiletries for at least 6 months, and have headed to a distant land, far away from the spread of the virus.

 Many remained in their primary residences (house and apartment) however, they have disconnected from their normal routines and fellow humans.

Isolation whether voluntary or involuntary is a volatile insult against the human race for an extended period of time.  God has called us into existence to cohabitate and to build the kingdom of God. 

At the beginning of the Bible, Genesis 1:28, the Lord said to be fruitful and multiply, however, in Genesis 9:7, He reiterated the same and added to it – “And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.”


If we’re to increase greatly on the earth, it is obvious that laborers must be present to help with the harvest,   If we’re going to be fruitful in the birthing process, whether people or products, we’re going to need helping hands.  Certainly, the Lord requires periods of isolation (prayer, meditation, sleep) for undivided communication and for impartation between God and humans.  However, knowing the length of time God desires is essential for spiritual growth.  There are some temperaments that require a short period of isolation and some longer periods, however, all isolation periods should not exceed the bounds tolerable by the temperament.

Isolation in Temperament for example:

If you are a Sanguine in temperament and you generally thrive on being in the company of others, and your period of isolation should be short-lived.  It is essential that you frequently connect with others.

For the Choleric in temperament, it is essential that you isolate to reflect, however, stay it is essential that you stay connected to others.  More importantly, it is important that you control the things you cannot control.  What do I mean?  Since you cannot control the lives of others, it is extremely important that you minimize your exposure to the chaos in others, I.e. news and gossiping.

Melancholy, because you operate best in periods of isolation, it is essential that you hear from the Lord, regarding the length of time for isolation.  Always remembering that you are existing to coexist to build the kingdom.

Supines, as you may already know because you thrive from helping others, isolation hinders your connection and your talent.  Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the Lord would cause you to be in isolation for a long period of time.  You are invited to check back in and bring the beauty of your countenance into the atmosphere.

Since a Phlegmatic operates on low energy, it is highly unlikely that God would expend most of their energy in isolation.  I urge you to speak to God and know where He needs you in the kingdom.  Stay connected knowing that your time must be budgeted.

Although we all need periods of isolation, extended periods can be detrimental to our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual growth.  I encourage you today to reach out and connect with someone, knowing that your connection is priceless and will add life to yourself and others.

Prayer for those in insolation

Father God, you value isolation for the impartation of your blessings.  You value isolation because it is a time spent with you for growth instruction. Lord, lead show the one in isolation the time period in which to be alone and the times in which to stay connected.  Lord, we know that you value Human to human connection because you have called us to be fruitful and multiply and that approach is a team approach.  Lord, whatever it is you Desire today, lead us in a clear path of understanding so that we may operate in your divine wisdom.  Father, open the door of communication for the one who is alone and don’t know how to connect.  Bless them with someone to connect with, to converse, and to share their needs and their wants. Bless with another to be fruitful and multiply in every way you desire. Amen.  

When we go to our knowing and not our feelings, we will begin to see that God is with us and our doubt has no weight to keep us from knowing that God goes Beyond Companionship.

’for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’ Deuteronomy 20:4 NKJV

Beyond the Doubt – allows you to look at your doubts and know that the solution goes beyond what you’re feeling or thinking.

Sometimes when we’re going through a difficult situation, we wonder if God is present.  We wonder if God is seeing the difficulties in our lives and is doing something about it.   As difficult as it may be to believe that God is with you, it is imperative that you annihilate your opposing doubt, with knowing.  Believing that God is with you and will not forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6)  Believe that God is going to stay the course during any battle that you may encounter because the Lord will not go back on his word.  His word that promised that He will go with you in any battle that is threatening to oppress or destroy you.  The Lord will go with you, however, not simply to accompany you for the journey, but to accompany you against the hand of the enemy (Deuteronomy 20:4). 

Beyond the Position – looking beyond your position and focusing on your purpose

The Lord will do anything for you because you are His, and He is yours.  The Lord desires to have a passionate, personal, and productive relationship with you.  His relationship with you is beyond Him positioning you. His relationship with you is designed to build you and to pave the path for perpetual living, even after you have transitioned from this life.

Believing in Prayer : Knowing that prayer changes things, because prayer reaches God’s ears.

Lord, have your way with me.  I give you my life because I know that you are walking and guiding me. Thank you for your divine presence and for going into battle against the enemy on my behalf. I know that you are battling for on my behalf, even in times unbeknown to me.  Lord bless my life, as it is pleasing unto to you. 

The Hidden Face of Evil – Evil lurks its ugly head and often times we miss it because we’re too busy. Spiritual awareness keeps us in tune and grants the wisdom to act accordingly.

For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land. In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there – Psalm 37:9-10 ESV

Awareness of Evil Doings

When we reflect on our lives, most of us would attest, that we had an encounter with someone who expressed sheer evil.  In that moment of time, it seems like the evil person will reign forever.  As we endured the temptation to lose ourselves and express greater evil, there was a force that kept us calm, at that moment in time.  As we kept our cool, the evil person disappeared., but soon after, another level of evil presented in the midst of us.  We wondered why again, and we questioned what have we done to deserve this?  It is only then that we realized that God was really trying to teach us to be aware that evil really does exist.  As we pondered further on the why question, we realized that God was teaching us to exercise patience.  We realized that God was exercising our faith.

God Grants Spiritual Awareness by Faith

As God grants spiritual awareness, there is a realization, that the cunning ways that evil is presenting around us have been exposed. There is also an awareness that unsuspecting victims can be its host.  As we mature in faith, we know that God is reminding us, that we have something of value that the enemy wants to take (John 10:8-10), our soul salvation.  In that knowing, we continue to press forward in faith, knowing that God is able to keep us from stumbling and falling (Jude 1:24).

Prayer For the Power to Withstand Evil Doings

Our Father, who art in heaven.  The God who never slumbers nor sleeps.  I call upon You this day because you are the Enabler of purpose.  You give wisdom, you give enough strength to operate in each day and time.  Even in the time of the evil one.  Even in the time of evil agendas, and evil systems.  You have the power to pull down strongholds.  Lord, I pray for such power today.  I pray that you will lead and guide me in all wisdom and teach me your ways.  Thank you, Lord, for this blessing. In Jesus’ name Amen!